[Subs] Spaghettis Recipe | Tasty Vegetable Chicken Spaghetti | Homemade Spaghettis Recipe

[Subs] Speghetti Recipe | Tasty Vegetable Chicken Spaghetti | Homemade Speghetti Recipe
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Recipe is available in English subtitles.
also written down in Urdu, Hindi,Arabic,Turkish, Chinese Simplified languages.

Speghetti Noodles 1 packet
Oil half cup
Turmeric powder half tsp
Vinegar few drops
Soya sauce 40 ml
Chilli sauce 15 ml
Black pepper 2 tsp
Carrots half kg
Green bell pepper 1 large size
Cabbage 2 00 gm
Chicken 500 gm

Method to cook speghetti noodles
Take a pan and pour water into it. Now add chicken, salt and vinegar. Let it cook untill water dried and chicken became tender. when the chicken cooked. Shred the chicken.
Now take a pan. Pour 2 liters water, salt and turmeric. When it starts simmer add speghetti noodles and cook. When noodles cooked discard the water and pour cold water over the noodles.
Take another pan and pour half cup oil. When it heated. Add diced cut carrots. Cook for few minutes then add sliced cabbage. Now keep the flame high. After cooking for few miutes add boiled speghetti noodles, boiled shredded chicken, green bell pepper, black pepper, Soya sauce an chilli sauce. Cook on slow flame for more 5 minutes.
Now Speghetti Noodles are ready to serve.

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İçindekiler 1 paket spagetti erişte Yarım su bardağı sıvı yağ Zerdeçal tozu yarım çay kaşığı Birkaç damla sirke soya sosu 40ml Biber sosu 15 ml Karabiber 2 çay kaşığı Havuç yarım kg Yeşil dolmalık biber 1 büyük boy Lahana 2 00 gr tavuk 500 gr

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مكونات نودلز سباغيتي 1 باكيت نصف كوب زيت مسحوق الكركم نصف ملعقة صغيرة بضع قطرات من الخل صلصة الصويا 40 مل صلصة الفلفل الحار 15 مل 2 ملعقة صغيرة فلفل أسود جزر نصف كيلو فلفل أخضر 1 حجم كبير ملفوف 00 جم دجاج 500 جم

اجزاء اسپیگیٹی نوڈلز 1 پیکٹ تیل آدھا کپ ہلدی پاؤڈر آدھا چائے کا چمچ سرکہ چند قطرے۔ سویا ساس 40 ملی لیٹر چلی سوس 15 ملی لیٹر کالی مرچ 2 عدد گاجر آدھا کلو ہری کالی مرچ 1 بڑا سائز بند گوبھی 200 گرام چکن 500 گرام

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