Best lentils wrap | tortilla lentils | lentil Tacos | Vegetarian | Meatless tacos


  1. White split lentils 250 g
  2. Water 750 liter
  3. Turmeric powder half tsp
  4. Salt half tsp
  5. For curry
  6. Onion small
  7. Tomato 1 small
  8. Ginger Garlic paste 2 tsp
  9. Salt half tsp
  10. Red chili powder half tsp
  11. Red chili flakes half tsp
  12. Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
  13. Cumin seeds half tsp
  14. Oil half cup
  15. Fresh coriander few leaves
  16. Green chilis 1
  17. Whole spice powder half tsp

For Salsa salad

  1. Sliced Onions
  2. Sliced tomato
  3. Sliced green chili
  4. Salt

Method of Best lentils wrap or tortilla lentils:-

Take a pan, add  some water along with white lentils. let it boil. when the water start boiling, remove the foam on the upper layer of water.
After it add turmeric powder and salt. and let it cook until the lentils become soft.
Mean while, in an other pan. Pour half cup of oil. And let it heat. After heating the oil add sliced onions in it. Now fry these till it became golden. When onion became golden. Add sliced tomatoes, Ginger Garlic Paste. Mix and cook till tomatoes get tender. Now add half tsp red chili powder, red chili flakes, Salt, Turmeric powder also Add a little bit more water to cook the gravy So that it combine together very well. after this put 1/4 tsp cumin seeds in it. Now pour the soft Boiled white lentils into the gravy. And mix generously. when the water dries and lentils leave the oil. Add 1/4 tsp whole spice powder, some fresh coriander leaves. Make sure to make Tortilla wrap Lentils should be a little bit mashy and sticky. now turn off the flame as it is ready.

For Salsa salad  Preparation:-

Take some Sliced Onions, Tomatoes And green chilies. put them all in Grinding pot. Start grinded gently as shown in the video. Now add 1/4 tsp salt. Mix again and take out in a bowl. Salsa salad condition should be like as shown in the video.

Assembling of Best lentils wrap or tortilla lentils

  1. Place a taco / chapati / tortilla / wrap on a clean surface
  2. Now spread the white lentil on it.
  3. Now cover the above layer with Salsa salad as much as you like
  4. Then roll it gently.

Delicious Best lentils wrap or tortilla lentils is ready to eat.

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